Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Opening!

The opening was a success!! Lots of people, lots of exchanging. People were wonderfully engaged, excited, and supportive. There was a huge crowd (thank you, everyone!). And lots of interesting conversations.

Most importantly, there was trading:
I got a rock that a woman had been meditating on for ten years. Someone else left $300. Another person left a rare Gobo made by a famous theater artist in the 1960s. A first proof of someone's comic book. Ian Johnston left one of his plastic bag ceramic pieces from Refuse Culture. A copper pipe (no, really-- just a bit of piping). A deer skull. Someone took off all her jewelery. A love letter (alas, to someone else). Some children put some origami flowers in water in jars and they looks very much like my own pieces.

It seems like there are a couple of trends: people left intensely personal objects of great sentimental value. Others left cash, which has an obvious value (interestingly, the "moral economy" seems to have capped at $50. There have been a few higher amounts, but nothing less that $50). Other people leave their own art (books, music, visual art). Some people have left "placeholders," where they leave a token (lottery ticket, vitamin C package) and a note saying they will come back later for the "real" exchange. And a very, very few have left trash.

I am very happy with the engagement, interest, and excitement around the project. I am really looking forward to the rest of the show.

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